22/01/2025 Our article
"ELBOing Stein: Variational Bayes with Stein Mixture Inference"
was accepted
by the leading AI conference ICLR2025. SMI bridges the gap between particle based inference and variational inference,
offering new directions for Bayesian estimation of deep models. Congratulations to first author and postdoc Ola Rønning!
14-15/10/2024 Thomas is invited speaker at a two-day workshop on Machine Learning
and Statistical Methods for Biological Data, Nijmegen, NL, organized by
the EU COST programme DYNALIFE. Title of
the talk was "Deep probabilistic programming for bioinformatics".
01/02/2024 Thomas is appointed to the position of full professor in
High dimensional biological data analysis / Machine learning. The new position continues to be
shared between the departments of biology and computer science at KU.
PhD student Jon Eklöf successfully defends his PhD. Jon studied the role of leadership and multidisciplinary collaboration
in successfully integrating artificial intelligence into the complex manufacturing industry, in collaboration with
GKN Aerospace.
08/09/2022: Thomas is awarded a Villum EXPERIMENT grant
("Predicting protein structure, mutations and dynamics with deep generative models", DKK 1,8 million.)